February 2020
"Sharing God's love by serving our community and our world."
Our facilities feasibility study is moving ahead. Here is an update…
In June and July, our various ministry teams (8) met with architect Eric Larson from Nor-Son. He listened to people about what facility needs they are experiencing as they serve here at Peace.
HJA – Hal Johnson and Associates is leading the feasibility study.
Thank you to our A-Team (administrative team) who is managing the details of these meetings - Doreen Seal, Diane Malmin and Amy Peterson.
Thank you to our Feasibility Study Planning Team (FSPT) - Norm Bauer, Chelsea Cook, Karleen and Dan Cowger, Andy Johnsrud, Jesse Pawelk, Jon Peterson, Amy Prok, Elizabeth Schulze, James Walz, and John Weinzierl.
The FSPT will work on the feasibility study, include Nor-Son’s input and help present the feasibility study at four identical congregational meetings planned for …
Sunday, September 24 @ 10:15 – Noon - Lunch Served
Tuesday, September 26 @ 10:00 am 11:45 am - Refreshments Served
Monday, October 2 @ 6:00 – 7:45 pm - Dinner Served
Thursday, October 5 @ 6:00 – 7:45 pm - Dinner Served
Our hope is that every household of the congregation will attend. Childcare will be provided.
Our bulletin insert and email communications will also be posted here (see below) for easy access to review what we have done to date. If you have any questions, talk to a member of the Ministry Board, the FSPT, or Pastor David.
Lastly, when you say your prayers in the days and weeks ahead. Please include our church, its leaders and many volunteers. Ask for God’s guidance and the discernment of the Holy Spirit to lead us towards a God honoring future. We can only do this if we do it together.