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Each year, we  pray for the IGNITE students “Father in heaven, for Jesus’ sake, stir up in them the gift of you Holy Spirit...”


In their baptism, they received the gift of the Holy Spirit and in confirmation as in all of our life, we pray that the fire of the Holy Spirit would be stirred up and burn more brightly so others will see the light of Christ through us.    


Confirmation at Peace is much more than what happens in a classroom.  It is a vibrant connection between the home and the congregation.  Here the opportunities for learning are shared within our households so that faith speaks to the very heart of our daily lives.


Confirmation thrives in community. Authentic, available, and affirming adults by care and trust take on an important dimension to our ongoing journey where faith is ignited and practiced.  We live into the richness and joy of the very mission of the church in partnership with one another across the generations.  Our youth at Peace enliven our engagement and bring energy to our growing expressions of outreach and service into the world!


Confirmation Objectives

Confirmation is a three year program for 7th—9th graders.  The program runs September—May.  Our desire is to partner with families and the congregation in the task of training young people in the various practices that are essential for nurturing lifelong faith by:


  • Presenting the core of the Christian faith through study of scripture and Luther’s Small Catechism, and using these texts as the context for exploring current issues in confirmands’ everyday lives;

  • Promoting the development of faith practices—habits of Christian discipleship—in confirmands by providing opportunities for and encouraging reflection upon worship, prayer, service, study, fellowship, retreats, encouragement, etc.;

  • Strengthening confirmands’ identification with the Church by facilitating relationship-building with other members of Faith through both small group and large group experiences guided by trained and caring adults;

  • Preparing confirmands for the rite of Affirmation of Baptism and the life of discipleship which follows.


Do you have a child that is ready for confirmation,

talk to Pastor David about registering.

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