February 2020

"Sharing God's love by serving our community and our world."

KICK OFF SUNDAY - October 20
Starting October 20, take a box (or more) from the commons
Fill it with lots of goodies (there is a packing guide sheet in each box)
Put the shoebox label on the outside (also in the box)
Include a $10 check to help cover the cost of shipping or to track your boxes online to their recipient:
scroll down to "Printable Labels,"
choose your number of shoeboxes & check out,
print out your new labels with the QR tracking code, and
watch where your box(es) go!
Return box(es) by:
SHOEBOX SUNDAY - November 17
As the Christmas holiday approaches, we start to think about shopping and the many holiday parties, kids start writing letters to Santa and dreaming about presents. It is easy to lose sight of what this holiday is about; our God becoming man to save us. It is a holiday about love, sacrifice, and ultimately, our salvation.
To celebrate this, we often team with the amazing organization Samaritan’s Purse to help them with Operation Christmas Child. This is a program designed to spread the love, joy, and hope that comes with Christ’s earthly coming.
We are inviting our church family to join us in packing a shoebox (or more) for children in need around the world. We will be collecting the filled shoeboxes through the morning of November 20th. Then we will pray a blessing over the boxes and deliver them to the Operation Christmas Child collection site.
To help get you started, we have included links to some great information and helpful tips. For those who prefer to shop online or want to avoid the crowds, we have a link to "Build a Box Online" which takes you directly to the Operation Christmas Child website to build and pay for boxes directly on their website.
Our Goal this Year is 125 boxes. Will you help us meet this goal?