February 2020
"Sharing God's love by serving our community and our world."
Thank you for your interest in the ministries offered at Peace Lutheran Church. Like any church, we are only successful because of the many people that help in all areas of church life. Just like Paul said in 1 Corinthians, we are many individual parts but we form one body. Listed below are all the ministry teams. If you are interested in learning more about a ministry or becoming a member of the ministry team, clink on the link or talk to the ministry team leader. Help is always needed and gladly welcomed.
Altar Care
Worship in church centers on the altar, the focal point representing all that God in Christ has done for us. The candles, Bible, and paraments (linens) reflect the message of Godʼs love through Christ.
The Altar Care Team are “caretakers“ of the altar. They prepare for worship by setting up Holy Communion, Baptism, and various seasons of the church year.
Flowers for the Altar are placed by members for the glory of God and in memory of a loved one or in celebration of a life event. If you would like to place flowers on the altar, there is more information and a sign up calendar on the board by the sanctuary doors.
Interested in helping with Altar Care? Contact Wendy Ely
We believe we can change the world through prayer & kindness to others. By demonstrating Christ’s love, we provide a window to the life-altering power of a relationship with Jesus.
At Peace we strive to show compassion to members of our church by supporting each other as we experience life together.
Interested in the Care Team? Contact Mary Fritz-Barfnecht.
Christian Education
Christian Education provides opportunities for our church family and the community to grow in spirit and faith.
Interested in Christian Education? Contact Nicole Johnsrud.
Finance & Stewardship
The Finance team oversees the financial matters of the church, proposes budgets, and keeps the congregation informed of its finances. Their goal is to be good stewards of the congregation's gifts to God and to encourage stewardship in all areas of ministry and mission.
Interested in helping with Finance? Contact Sue Beulke
Interested in helping with Stewardship? Tricia Rupp
The Hospitality Team provides a welcoming environment to everyone who visits Peace. They also organize events and social opportunities that give members a chance to get to know each other better. Here are just a few:
Easter Brunch
​Cribbage Tournament
MN Twins Faith Night
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Women's Christmas Luncheon
and so much more​​
Check the EVENTS page for upcoming events.
Interested in Hospitality? Contact Dani Hahn
Here at Peace we strive to support member-selected local and global mission organizations. Our efforts often times involve the young and the old working side-by-side as we want our youth to develop compassion and empathy from a young age.
Sharing the love of Jesus by serving our community and the world, we work to share the love of Christ to the community of Watertown and surrounding areas.
The focus of our ministry is to serve, reach and embrace our community with the love of Christ, with the hope of welcoming everyone in Christian love, through the word of God.
Check the EVENTS page for upcoming events.
Interested in Outreach? Contact Karen Dressel.
The Property Team consists of volunteers who offer their time and talents in service to Peace. These individuals are not elected, yet simply show an interest in wanting to assist with the care and maintenance of the building and grounds.
They oversee and identify the safe keeping, protection, maintenance, and repair of the building, grounds, and equipment.
Interested in Property? Contact John Weinzierl.
The Technology Team is responsible for the electronic equipment throughout the church. For each worship service or special event, the audio/visual board is maintained and operated by the technology team.
The Technology team also maintains the office equipment, telephones, PCs, and audio/video equipment throughout the church, as well as coordinating upgrades and changes to software.
Interested in Technology? Contact Kevin Schroeder.
Worship & Music
Worship at Peace is a blend of traditional, gospel, contemporary and more! Each Sunday we profess our faith through the Apostle's Creed and the Lord's Prayer. We share each other's joys during the “Yea God!” and welcome requests for special prayers.
Worship & Music volunteers are a group of people who graciously share their gifts and talents, volunteering as musicians, greeters, ushers, readers, and more. Our members are what makes Peace special.
Interested in Worship & Music? Contact Edie Hanson.
Youth Activities
Our Youth Activities Team strive to strengthen our youth to develop a mature and active relationship with Jesus Christ and to be disciples and leaders for Him in this church and in the community.
We seek to demonstrate care and concern for all students. This ministry focuses on youth that have completed their first communion through 12th grade.
Interested in Youth Activities? Contact Jessica Bogema-Baumann.