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We can't wait to meet you!

    Thank you for visiting our website. It is a work in progress. You will see some pages under construction, because there is always room for improvement.

     Our lives are like that too. You may have heard the phrase, "Be Patient, God's Not Finished With Me Yet." That thought reflects our understanding here at Peace, that all of us are a work in progress. That is why "Grace" is so important to us. The Bible says, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God" (Ephesians 2:8).

     We do our best each day to remind ourselves of this gift of grace in Jesus, so that we might live graciously in our relationships. We readily admit that some days are better than others. I guess that is why we are here at Peace, why we come to church, why we worship together, because we need to hear it and experience it again, grace proclaimed, renewed, and shared. I hope you will come and visit. I would enjoy meeting you and hearing your story. The coffee pot (or alternative) is always on!




What can I expect when I arrive?

When you first arrive, you'll be greeted by new faces that are excited to see you! Each service begins with worship played by our Praise Band. The scripture-based message will encourage and inspire you to come closer to God. If you have any questions along the way, our ushers would love to help you!

What is worship like?

Peace worship is a blend of traditional, gospel, contemporary, and more.  Each Sunday we profess our faith through the Apostle's Creed and the Lord's Prayer.  We share each other's joys during the “Yea God!” segment of our services and welcome requests for special prayers.

Worship at Peace Lutheran Church is central to all we do.  Scripture is filled with references regarding the importance of believers worshiping together.  Therefore worship is intentionally designed to let the good news of Jesus go to work. The good news is there in our preaching and teaching. The good news is even there in what our people sing, pray, and confess.

In worship, we come to hear what Jesus has done for us. God speaks the truth that sets us free. We respond with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.

What time is worship?


9:00 AM - Worship

10:00 AM - Sunday School (September-May)


5:00 PM - Youth Group - Middle School

7:00 PM - Youth Group - High School

What about my kids?

Jesus loves children and so does Peace.  We want parents to know how much we love to see them at worship with their children, even if it gets noisy.  Attending church as a family shows children that worship is important.  To help our children understand the sermon, a church member presents a short children's message called JAM (Jesus and Me).  All children are invited forward to participate.

Is there a dress code?

We want you to feel comfortable. Whether that means jeans and a t-shirt, business casual or suit and tie, as long as you are actually wearing clothes, you will fit right in.

Will I have to say anything, sign anything or be singled out in any way?

You can breathe easy, the answer is no! Your level of engagement is completely up to you. But if and when you're ready to take a step, we'll be ready! There's a "Let's Get Acquainted" card below that you can choose to fill out in case you have questions, need prayer, or would like to be in the know for church-wide events and activities.

Where is Peace Lutheran Church

600 Kristi Lane, Watertown, MN 55388

So what's the deal with pineapples?

When new people move into the surrounding communities, we want to make them feel welcome and invited. The pineapple has long been a symbol of hospitality, as well as being a sweet refreshing & delicious fruit to share. 


Our Pineapple Express!

Every two to three months, people from Peace pick up boxes of fresh pineapples with a list of new residents in their area. With each pineapple there is a Welcome Card and Invitation to visit Peace Lutheran Church. Over a year, we deliver over 400 pineapples with a warm welcome to our new friends in the community.

Those who have participated in the Pineapple Express have returned blessed by this ministry.

Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ
has welcomed you, for the glory of God.   Romans 15:7
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